Back on Track

Honesty time: I’m sucking at completing my goals lately.

I’m not going to blame summer, but I am going to admit that since my lifestyle changed with the end of the semester, my good habit of keeping up with my goals changed, too.

So, it’s a new week! After only reading a few chapters from the Narnia books last week, I’m going to do my best to try my new goal this week. So far I’ve been mostly successful, but I also haven’t chatted with a lot of people yet, so there’s no telling how many times I’ll have to stop myself from talking over them. Between family, my jobs, and other interactions to come, I’m sure to be face palming soon enough.

Sorry this post is so short, but I’ll hopefully have more to say next week.


If you’d like to see the complete list of 52 things I’m accomplishing this year, click here to check out my first blog! For now, here’s what I’ve done and what’s to come in the next few weeks:

Last week: Read a chapter from the Narnia series each day. Remember the nights when Mom read you to sleep with the books.

This week: Try not to interrupt people. Resist the urge you annoying youngest child. You can do it – or at least suffer internally trying.

Next week: Only watch documentaries or Ted Talks if you feel the need to watch anything at all.

Ha. Hahahahahahahahahahaha…

So that walking thing. 


Basically, I only walked for at least 30 minutes on the days I worked… and that’s because I work in a retail store in which I run around pretending that I know what customers just asked me, when really I’m just looking around with a serious but pleasant expression because I literally have no idea if they even just spoke a language. No one ever said I was a great multi-tasker, and that means I can fold shirts and pants like no one’s business, but I can’t process words for crap at the same time (don’t even get me started on when they have me scheduled as a cashier…).

So, yeah. I didn’t meet my goal…

And that’s okay! Instead, I cooked a bomb breakfast casserole for my family, worked a bunch (even on Father’s Day, when I wasn’t originally scheduled to work), made progress at my new second job, got some alone time, and bought the first of many baby clothes for my sister’s first baby (October can’t come soon enough! I just wanna meet Baby Blair)!

This week, I’m reading chapters from the Narnia series every day. That means it’s nostalgia time! I loved the books so much when my mom would read them to my siblings and me before bed all those years ago. I read The Magician’s Nephew just a few months ago and, goodness, I didn’t want the book to ever end. And I’m a freaking adult now! 

Anywho, here’s to a week of sitting back in my free time with an awesome series of books and a head full of memories to go with them. 


If you’d like to see the complete list of 52 things I’m accomplishing this year, click here to check out my first blog! For now, here’s what I’ve done and what’s to come in the next few weeks:

Last week: Go on a walk for at least 30 minutes every day.

This week: Read a chapter from the Narnia series each day. Remember the nights when Mom read you to sleep with the books.

Next week: Try not to interrupt people. Resist the urge you annoying youngest child. You can do it – or at least suffer internally trying. 

I am Four Years Old

I enjoy long walks along the river, late nights falling asleep to movies on the couch, and, apparently, coloring like I’m still four years old.

This past week I more than completed my goal of coloring for at least 30 minutes each day. I took out the pages I once ripped out of my adult coloring book (who decided it was a good idea to try to color in a book that won’t stay flat??) and listened to music I forgot I loved while I made my room smell like sharpies. It was magical. 

I forgot how much I like putting colors together and seeing what works and what doesn’t – and as weird as this sounds, I love the indecision of coming up with that color pallette. 

If I’m being honest, the most satisfying part of my crazy week was coloring. I just needed it. 

But, I must move on to the next goal. My sharpies will stay within sight, and I’ll try to spend more time coloring rather than watching tv, but who knows with my busy life…

On that note, it’s a new week and a new goal!

Check in next week to see how I do with going on a walk each day!


If you’d like to see the complete list of 52 things I’m accomplishing this year, click here to check out my first blog! For now, here’s what I’ve done and what’s to come in the next few weeks:

Last week: Color for 30 minutes each day either in silence or with music – no tv necessary.

This week: Go on a walk for at least 30 minutes every day.

Next week: Read a chapter from the Narnia series each day. Remember the nights when Mom read you to sleep with the books.

I Have No Excuse

The good news: I finally finished putting my recipe book together last week! Yay!

The bad news: I think I read Thrive only one day last week…

The other bad news: I already missed one day of coloring…

In other words, I have no excuses, just laziness. I decided to do other things with my time. Like watch movies. Or play with my niece. Or just sit around with my family.

It was all worth it for now, though. As much as I really want to finish that book and do all of these other things, It has recently hit me that I graduate college in a year and there’s a decent chance that I might move away if I get a great job offer. That means I won’t be with my family. Or in the hometown I love. 

So for now I’m going to keep trying to keep up with my 52 goals, but I won’t let it hurt me if I don’t succeed over the summer. This might be my last big chunk of time with my family. As soon as I go back to school, it will be a flurry of me trying to get crap done while not smacking people for being stupid or not leaving me alone when all I want to do is go home and be around people I actually like. 

On that note, I have actual good news. 








I got a third job!!!

I know that sounds kinda terrible, but if it works out, this job could lead to some awesome opportunities for me. It’s all on the computer, so I can do it anywhere with a strong internet connections. Over the summer, I’ll be able to really save, as opposed to last summer when my internship only somewhat made up for my lack of hours at Old Navy. And I can keep this job when I go to school, which means I’ll have steady income over the holidays and can stay home a little and work rather than constantly running around campus to get enough hours of pay. And, if for some strange reason I don’t get a good job after graduating next spring, there’s a good chance this job could turn full-time!

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking of enjoying this lovely evening and celebrating my new job with ~~cookies~~. See you all next week!


If you’d like to see the complete list of 52 things I’m accomplishing this year, click here to check out my first blog! For now, here’s what I’ve done and what’s to come in the next few weeks:

Last week: Read a chapter from Thrive each day. Feel like the strong independent Godly woman you are – or are striving to be. 

This week: Color for 30 minutes each day either in silence or with music – no tv necessary.

Next week: Go on a walk for at least 30 minutes every day.